Women in Aerospace Europe

Women in Aerospace Europe 22 Abr Event:  28.04.2022 Time:18:30 CET Location:  Puerta de Toledo Campus of the Carlos III University Would you like to meet several professionals, women like you, who have taken a step forward and decided to apply to be a future...

G. Sánchez presents E.T. PACK on EU-EIC Youtube channel

G. Sánchez presents E.T. PACK on EU-EIC Youtube channel 31 Ene Gonzalo Sanchéz Arriaga the principal investigator of the groundbreaking E.T. PACK project describes the technology they have created to deorbit end-of-life satellites. 🛰️ You can watch the full video...

Post-Doctoral Research Grants

Post-Doctoral Research Grants 17 Ene Starting from tomorrow January 18th, you can apply for the Ramón y Cajal grants and from January 20th for the Juan de La Cierva Formación grants. The objective of the Ramon y Cajal fellowships is to promote the incorporation of...