G. Sánchez presents E.T. PACK on EU-EIC Youtube channel

G. Sánchez presents E.T. PACK on EU-EIC Youtube channel 31 Ene Gonzalo Sanchéz Arriaga the principal investigator of the groundbreaking E.T. PACK project describes the technology they have created to deorbit end-of-life satellites. 🛰️ You can watch the full video...

Post-Doctoral Research Grants

Post-Doctoral Research Grants 17 Ene Starting from tomorrow January 18th, you can apply for the Ramón y Cajal grants and from January 20th for the Juan de La Cierva Formación grants. The objective of the Ramon y Cajal fellowships is to promote the incorporation of...

Aerospace PhD Seminar and MISE Short course by KU Leuven

Aerospace PhD Seminar and MISE Short course by KU Leuven 30 Abr We would like to thank our colleagues from KU Leuven, Prof Jan Swevers and Dr Laurens Jacobs, who have visited our department on 25th and 26th April 2024 to deliver a talk in our Aerospace PhD seminar...