UC3M Actively Participates in EANA 2023: Elevating Astrobiology and Space Exploration in Madrid
The European Astrobiology Network Association (EANA) is thrilled to welcome attendees back for a presential gathering, and it’s happening in the city of Madrid. The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) plays a key role in organizing this significant event, known as...
Embark on Cosmic Adventures: Nestor VR Project Takes You to the Moon, Mars, and Beyond!
Have you ever imagined traveling to the Moon, Mars, or Jupiter’s moon, Europa? Well, the Nestor VR project is making this possible! This innovative endeavor is a collaboration between Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M), the Spanish Foundation for Science and...
The SENTINEL Network Hosts Event on Future Challenges in Space Debris Monitoring and Sustainability
The SENTINEL network, which brings together the leading Spanish research centers in space debris tracking and modeling, will be hosting a presentation day and a panel discussion with national experts on Friday. The panel, moderated by the UC3M associate professor and...
UC3M showcases a student-built Transformable Spacecraft as a result of the ESA – Fly Your Thesis! Programme
The Aerospace Engineering Department has showcased a transformable spacecraft using the Dzhanibekov effect for attitude control in the EPS of UC3M in Leganés (1st floor of building 7, Juan Benet). This satellite prototype is the result of the participation of the...
Teaching Innovation Projects of Aerospace Engineering Department get accepted via the “21ª CONVOCATORIA DE APOYO A EXPERIENCIAS DE INNOVACIÓN DOCENTE”
Three innovative teaching projects of the Aerospace Engineering Department got accepted for the next academic year 2023-2024 as part of the call “21ª CONVOCATORIA DE APOYO A EXPERIENCIAS DE INNOVACIÓN DOCENTE” The general objective of this call is to encourage the...
Success of the Aerospace Engineering Department in the call «PROYECTOS DE GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO – 2022»!
Success in the call ‘“PROYECTOS DE GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO. Convocatoria 2022’ (PID 2022). The Aerospace Engineering Department receives 364.000 € in funding. Here are some details of the funded projects: FLAP-TURB ( Aerodynamic characterisation and control of...
Aerospace engineering Department researchers create virtual reality system to visit the Moon, Mars, or one of Jupiter’s satellites!
Researchers from our Aerospace Engineering Department have developed a virtual reality application to recreate a visit to a base on the Moon, Mars, or Jupiter’s satellite Europa. This university educational project was carried out in collaboration with the Institute...
UC3M Researchers (of our Aerospace Research Group) develop a system to detect and estimate satellite manoeuvres
Our Research Group, in collaboration with Politecnico de Milano and the spanish company GMV, have come up with an algorithm to identify and characterize satellite manoeuvres, a big step forward in the fight against the space debris problem. The number of hazardous...
Start of two new European projects E-CONTRAIL & KAIROS
Prof. Manuel Soler and his Aircraft Operations Lab UC3M have been awarded and started two new European projects. One of the two selected projects is E-CONTRAIL, an exploratory research project coordinated by Prof. Manuel Soler, a member of our investment group, which...
A “ST3LLAR” day for our MISE and aerospace PhD students visiting the space facilities at INTA!!!!
Our thanks to Dr. Andoni Moral for organizing the visit on Wednesday 14th June to INTA (Torrejón) of our MISE Space Pre-Design students and several of our Aerospace PhD candidates. We had a great day, see the pictures below, visiting the “Centro Espacial INTA Torrejón...