Success of the Aerospace Engineering Department in the TED 2021 call: EUR 700k funded

10 Oct

Success in the new call ‘Proyectos Estratégicos Orientados a la Transición Ecológica y a la Transición Digital. Convocatoria 2021’ (TED 2021). The Aerospace Engineering Department receives 700.000 € in funding.

Here are some details of the funded projects:

ACCREDITATION (ArtifiCial-intelligence active flow Control for REDuctIon of TrAnsporT emIssiONs)

PI/PIs: Stefano Discetti & Andrea Ianiro

The objective is to develop and test a new concept for closed-loop active flow control for heavy vehicles based on artificial intelligence, with the aim of reduction of drag and, consequently, emissions and environmental impact of ground transportation. The research team includes also researchers from the Department of Statistics of UC3M, INTA (Spain), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), and KTH (Sweden).

Funded (€): 187.910 €

INTERACT  (Data-drIveN TechnologiEs foR sAfe aCTive space debris removal)

PI/PIs: Manuel Sanjurjo Rivo (Coordinated US: Rafael Vázquez; URJC: Hodei Urrutxua)

INTERACT seeks to consolidate the leadership and competitiveness of the Spanish space sector in the field of space debris removal. Space sustainability has many facets, from the monitoring, mitigation and removal of the current space debris to initiatives that search for the design of sustainable space platforms in their whole life cycle. Among these activities, deorbiting technologies have been developed specifically to try to help solve the problem of space debris. In fact, they enable the design of deorbiting missions for non-operational satellites, i.e., Active Debris Removal (ADR). Among the current de-orbiting technologies, INTERACT will be focused on Electrodynamics Tether solutions and the Ion-Beam Shepherd, two proposals coming from the Spanish academic community. 

Funded (€): 124.545 €

JAMAICAM (Jet-noise Diagnostics with Massive Acoustic Camera)

PI/PIs: Marco Raiola & Luis Antonio Azpicueta Ruiz

The project focus on the development of a massive acoustic camera to characterize jet-noise sources from far-field measurements. These measurements will serve to determine the effect of active flow control on the jet and, in particular, to identify how the control action affects the noise emission.

Funded (€): 86.250 €


PI/PIs: Oscar Flores Arias

The main objective of the project is the design of a rotor for a micro-scale wind turbine using the flight of “samaras” as inspiration.

Funded (€): 107.180 €


PI/PIs: Rauno Cavallaro & Andrea Cini (The research team includes Andrés Marcos Esteban)

The OPERATIONAL project will investigate the feasibility of the operation of hydrogen propulsion systems applied to short-range commercial aircraft by adopting a global multidisciplinary design and optimisation process. The methodology implemented focuses on converting the benefits of these new technologies into a product with reduced environmental impact, while taking into account cost, certification, and reliability aspects.

Funded (€): 62.905 €


PI/PIs: Jaume Navarro-Cavallé & Pablo Fajardo

The central core of this project is to investigate the use of alternative and sustainable propellants to enable disruptive plasma propulsion thrusters, being this the driver for revolutionizing the propulsion subsystem architecture of small-mid-size space platforms at very low Earth orbits.

Funded (€): 111.320 €

Congratulations to the PIs and the teams of the funded proposals!