The Department of Aerospace Engineering at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is dedicated to excellence in research and engineering education. Located on the Leganés Campus, the department participates in a range of academic programs, leading Master programs in Aeronautical and Space Engineering, and a PhD program in Aerospace Engineering. The Department is deeply involved in fundamental and applied research across various fields of aerospace engineering, collaborating with top-tier universities, research centers, and industry partners worldwide.  

Research Areas


Experimental Aerodynamics and Propusion Lab

S. Discetti, A. Ianiro & M. Raiola

Plasma and Space Propulsion Team (EP2)

E. Ahedo, P. Fajardo, M. Merino & J. Navarro

Tethers Applied to Aerospace Engineering

Tethers Applied to Aerospace Engineering

G. Sánchez-Arriaga & M. Sanjurjo

Teaching Activities

The Department of Aerospace Engineering (DAE) is a faculty group of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, responsible for aerospace engineering degrees at UC3M, at the Bachelor, Master’s, and Doctorate levels.

satelite uc3m

Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering

The Bachelor’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering aims to train professionals to work in companies that design, manufacture and certify a wide variety of products and …


cabina avion

Master in Aeronautical Engineering

The Master in Aeronautical Engineering (MAE) provides full professional accreditation as Aeronautical Engineer in Spain and …


lanzamiento cohete

Master in Space Engineering

The Master in Space Engineering provides comprehensive and specialized training required by the space industry. This is a booming sector with growth in Europe and Spain…


fluidos universidad

Ph.D. Interuniversity Program in Fluid Mechanics

Access to the Ph.D. Program in Fluid Mechanics is intended for students who meet the entry requirements with degrees in the fields of Engineering and …


satelite uc3m

Ph.D. Program in Aerospace Engineering

The Bachelor’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering aims to train professionals to work in companies that design, manufacture and certify a large variety of products and…


Latest News

Stay up to date of all activities of the Aeroespace Engineering Department

Win the Wind Challenge

The Department of Aerospace Engineering will host the wind tunnel testing The Department of Aerospace Engineering at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid will host the final act of the Win the Wind Challenge 2025, organized by the association GreenTech Students, Win the...